Phone: 770-382-1733


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education Certified Special Education Pre-K-5

Mrs. Alexis Vance

My name is Alexis Vance and I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year! I know this year is going to be AMAZING and I can't wait to have the opportunity to spend each day with my students and watching each of them Shine Bright!   I have been married to my best friend, Kyle, for 36 years and we have 4 beautiful daughters and 2 sons-in-laws and a precious granddaughter.  All of my girls grew up in Cartersville and were very involved in the school system and graduated from Cartersville High school. Go Canes!!  We have a Yorkie named Sophie & a Golden Doodle named Nala. When I'm not teaching, I love to travel with my family and spend time with them. I also love to ride my peloton and work in my garden and yard. And of course, keeping my granddaughter as often as possible is one of my favorite things to do.  I've taught third grade, homeschooled, been a parapro for Cartersville Primary, and now couldn't be happier to be a teacher at Cartersville Primary School.    



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