Phone: 770-382-1733


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree-University of Georgia Master's Degree-Valdosta State University Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech Pathology from American Speech Language Hearing Association Georgia Professional License in Speech Pathology

Mrs. Amy Williams

My name is Amy Williams, and I am so excited to begin another year at CPS! This marks my 29th year as a Speech-Language Pathologist in Cartersville. I graduated from Cartersville High School in 1989 and the University of Georgia in 1993 with a Bachelor's of Science in Education in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I then earned a Master's of Education in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Valdosta State University in 1995. I am an accredited member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as well as licensed by the Georgia State Board of Speech Language Pathology/Audiology. I have provided Speech-Language services in the public schools, clinical setings, and private practice.    

I am a lifetime resident of Cartersville, and I have been married to my husband, Kit, for 28 years.We have one son, Davis, who currently attends college as a student athlete in baseball. We also have a dog named Georgia. In my free time, I enjoy watching Georgia Football games, watching my son play baseball, reading, and hanging out with friends and family.  

Let's Have an Amazing Year! Go Canes!


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