Phone: 770-382-1733
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education Master of Education in Elementary Education ESOL Endorsement
Ms. Cruz
Hola! Hello! My name is Karla Cruz. I am from Cedartown, GA. My parents and family are from Mexico, where I spent almost every summer growing up and where I lived for three full years. I am bilingual and speak Spanish. I am very proud of my Mexican culture and traditions. I am a big supporter of children learning to embrace their cultures and to be proud of their family roots. It is my goal to build, along with my students, an environment in which each student has a voice, feels safe, can express themselves, and grow academically.
In regard to my educational background, I graduated from the University of West Georgia with my Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and my Master's degree in Elementary Education. I will begin my fourth year of teaching. I previously taught Pre-k at the University of West Georgia. This year will be my second year teaching first grade here at CPS. I have a passion for teaching young minds and positively impacting my students and their families. I chose Cartersville because I believe in their ambition of building legacies. Cartersville has been a great place where I can continue to learn and grow from other educators and the community.
I am looking forward to a year of growth, memorable experiences, and lots of fun!
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