Phone: (770) 382-1733


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Master in Reading and Literacy

Mrs. Megan Mealer

Hello Purple Hurricane Family! My name is Megan Mealer. I graduated from the University of New Mexico with a bachelor's degree in K-8 education, and received my master's degree from Walden University in Spring of 2023!  I have been teaching for 11 years and will start my 12th year teaching 2nd grade at Cartersville Primary's beautiful school! My husband, daughter, 2 pups and I have been blessed Cartersville residents for 8 years and members of Tabernacle Baptist Church. It is my pleasure to be able to teach and give back in the community we live and go to church in. Thank you for always being welcoming, GO CANES!!!  


Instructional content can be accessed via Schoology. Contact the teacher for more information.

We communicate with students and parents (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Teacher Messaging. Your contact information in Infinite Campus must be accurate for you to receive my messages. Please contact the front office to update your information.