Phone: (678)535-6025


Degrees and Certifications:

BSEd in Early Childhood Education 1998 MSEd in Classroom Leadership 2005 EdS in Curriculum and Instruction 2018

Mrs. Deldreqka Scott

Welcome to Second Grade at Cartersville Primary School!  Your child has been assigned to grow as a scholar in Mrs. Scott’s Class this year!  I am excited about spending the year with you and your child.  I will work hard to continue your child’s positive educational journey.  I would like to take this opportunity to give you some understanding and background about myself!

First things first...My name is Deldreqka Scott, and I BLEED PURPLE! I was born and raised in CartersvilleI have always lived in Cartersville, too! I was educated at the City Kindergarten and all four Cartersville City Schools

I am in my 25th year of teaching.  I have taught Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade for all but one year.  During that year, I was responsible for K-5 Instructional Support. I was named the Cartersville Primary School Teacher of the Year in 2015. Since that time, I have been a Traditional 2nd Grade Teacher, a Virtual 2nd Grade Teacher, and a Hybrid 2nd Grade Teacher. I am excited about continuing this 2nd grade journey with your family!

I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood at the State University of West Georgia in 1998.  I completed my Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Classroom Leadership at Kennesaw State University in 2005.  I completed my Specialists Degree in Curriculum and Instruction through Piedmont College in June 2018. My husband and I have five children, all girls, whose ages are 30, 27, 26, 16, and 14. I also have four beautiful grandkids and one awesome son-in-law!

I will work hard to provide your child with meaningful and fun learning experiences. Although I take my career in education very seriously and choose to spend time outside the classroom preparing instructional materials and activities for my students,  I have a strong personal philosophy of education, which includes making sure that each of my students feels safe, loved, and seen. They will learn to PERSEVERE, BE KIND, AND WORK HARD while being reminded to have fun along the way!  

I believe that it is important to help students to become strong, lifelong learners.  In order to accomplish this goal, I try to motivate my students to:

  • Take Ownership of their learning:  Students should feel that they have some control in their learning, and they should not just try to please others. 
  • Take Risks: Students have different levels of risk-taking.  I work hard to help my students feel comfortable enough to allow their natural curiosity and self-esteem to bloom so that they grow to take reasonable chances in the learning process.
  • Be Flexible:  All children are not alike.  I have a class of individual learners.  It is important that students learn how to be accepting of those we encounter who may be different from our idea of normal or exceptional in some way. This includes the areas of academic abilities, physical looks or abilities, social circumstances, and any other situation that I have not previously mentioned.  We all have something to offer our class.  

I am excited about getting to know you all this year!  


Instructional content can be accessed via Schoology. Contact the teacher for more information.

We communicate with students and parents (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Teacher Messaging. Your contact information in Infinite Campus must be accurate for you to receive my messages. Please contact the front office to update your information.