Phone: 770-382-1733
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science Degree, Brenau University
Mrs. Melissa Rothschild
Welcome to 2ndGrade!! My name is Melissa Rothschild and I am excited to be your child's 2nd grade teacher. I was born and raised in Cartersville and went to Cartersville City Schools 1st -12th grade. GO CANES!! I graduated from Brenau University with a Bachelor of Science Degree K-12. I have been teaching for 22 years. Prior to teaching, I was a para-pro at CPS. I absolutely love teaching in a community I grew up in! This is my 22nd year teaching second grade at CPS. My husband and I have been married for 23 years and have 3 wonderful children(Drew, Charlie, and Francie). Drew will be attending West Georgia University in the fall on a Baseball Scholarship.Charlie graduted this past year and will be entering the work force. Francie will be a senior at Cartersville High School. I have two dogs, Harley and Roscoe. In my free time, I enjoy decorating, spending time with family/friends, vacationing, reading and watching my kids play sports. I look forward to working with your child and helping them accomplish goals that are on a personal and academic level. Let's have a wonderful year!!
Instructional content can be accessed via Schoology. Contact the teacher for more information.
We communicate with students and parents (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Teacher Messaging. Your contact information in Infinite Campus must be accurate for you to receive my messages. Please contact the front office to update your information.
Contact info- email: mrothschild@cartersvilleschools.org
ext:6084 at CPS-(770)382-1733. Thank you