Phone: 770-382-1733 ext. 6035
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
Lauren Malone
Hi! I'm Lauren Malone, and I am SO EXCITED to be coming HOME to Cartersville Primary! I went through the Cartersville School System from Kindergarten through 12th grade, so to have the opportunity to return to it as a teacher is blessing! I graduated from The University of Georgia (GOOO DAWGS!) in 2010, so this will be my 14th year teaching (10 of which have been in kindergarten-my heart!) Kindergarten is SUCH a fun year where students grow and learn so much! I am very thankful to get to play a role in your child's life, and thank you for entrusting them to us! I enjoy spending time with my husband, Ryan, family, friends, and church, as well as singing, decorating, shopping, and of course UGA football! I can't wait to get to know you and your little one better and look forward to a great year! GO CANES!
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