Phone: (770) 382-1733
Degrees and Certifications:
University of West Georgia: Bachelor’s of Science in Early Childhood/Special Education Master’s of Education in Early Childhood Education Gifted Endorsed
Mrs. Hannah Freeman
Hi! My name is Hannah Freeman, and I am so excited about being your child's teacher this year. This will be my sixth year teaching. I have taught four years in first grade and this will be my second year teaching gifted here at Cartersville Primary School. My husband, Caleb, and I both work here at Cartersville Primary School. We have a little girl named Lyla Grace who just turned 18 months old in July and a sweet dog named Hootie.
As for my education, I attended The University of West Georgia. During that time, I obtained my Bachelor’s in Early Childhood/Special Education. I have also completed my Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from The University of West Georgia as well. Last year, I completed my gifted endorsement. This year I will be working on my Specialist in curriculum and instruction at Berry College.
I look forward to having the opportunity to work with you and your child this year. Our class will be filled with fun, engaging, creative, and active learning. I cannot wait to get to know you and your child more this year!! GO CANES!
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