Phone: 770)382-6322
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees: B.S. from Auburn University Masters from Georgia State University Ed.S. (Specialist) from Georgia State University Certifications: Teacher of Intellectual Disabilities (K-12) Interrelated Special Education (K-12) Reading Specialist (K-12) Preschool Endorsement Director of Special Education Teacher of Visual Impairment Adapted Curriculum Math (K-8) Adapted Curriculum Reading (K-8) Adapted Curriculum Science (K-8) Adapted Curriculum Social Studies (K-8)
Mrs. Kelley Condra
Welcome! I am Kelley Condra. I am the Teacher of Visual Impairments for the Cartersville School System. I serve at Cartersville Primary School, Cartersville Elementary, Cartersville Middle, and Cartersville High School. I am beginning my 25th year as a teacher. My degree in Special Education is from Auburn University and I am a huge Tigers fan. I received my Masters and Specialist degree at Georgia State University. I finished my Teacher of Visual Impairment degree 5 years ago. I look forward to serving your students.
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What we once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. -Helen Keller