Phone: 770-382-3666
Degrees and Certifications:
BSEd, University of Missouri Certifications: Middle School Science Middle School Social Studies Secondary English/Language Arts Gifted Experience (18 years): Cartersville Middle School Adairsville High School Babb Middle School, Clayton County, Georgia Palmer Junior High, Independence, Missouri
Mrs. Ginger Busek, 6th grade Earth Science
Hello! I am happy to be teaching 6th grade Earth Science here at Cartersville Middle School. I am originally from Missouri, although I have also lived in Illinois, Wyoming, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I have been in Georgia now for many years, and my husband and I proudly raised our children in the Cartersville City Schools system. My oldest son is now working as an Aerospace Engineer in Utah, and my youngest son is serving our U.S. Air Force in Texas.
I love to travel, especially to anywhere that has a beach or mountains. I am a big Disney fan and go to the parks any chance I get! I enjoy collecting minerals, fossils, and rocks, and I love learning about and sharing love for our amazing planet Earth.
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