• Canes Time is an instructional period that Cartersville Middle School has built into its Wednesday schedule to allow teachers the opportunity to accelerate students that have fallen behind, enrich students that are looking to be pushed, and provide extracurricular opportunities that have previously been unavailable to students because of the time constraints of a regular school day.

    Students will be provided different session offerings on a weekly basis to address specific needs and standards being taught in classes.  Students may choose to attend any “open” session they like, provided that they have not received an invitation to a “closed” session which they are required to attend.

    Students who are attending a required closed session will be preregistered based on the academic team’s decision of the student’s academic/social/behavioral needs.

    Examples of what a required closed session could be:

    • Making-up/finishing a test
    • Review session on a current concept
    • Club meeting
    • Special practice time for a musical ensemble preparing for an audition/concert
    • Academic Intervention
    • Rehearsal for Dramatic Performance

    Examples of what an open session could be:

    • Athletic Competition
    • STEM/engineering activities
    • Dance Class
    • Social Groups
    • Open Study Hall/HW help
    • Art Activities
    • Community Service Projects
    • Varying Academic Enrichment Opportunities