Phone: 678-535-6316
Degrees and Certifications:
Ed.S. Special Education, University of West Georgia, 2022. SP.ED. Lang. Arts Cognitive (P-5,4-8) Endorsement, (2022). Middle Grades (4-8) Language Arts Endorsement, (2022) M.Ed. Special Education, Grand Canyon University, (2016). Sp.Ed. General Curriculum (P-12) Consultative Endorsement, (2016) Health and Physical Education (P-12) Endorsement, 2013. B.S. Recreational Leadership, Jacksonville State University 2007
Dante Pinkard
Hello Cane Nation,
My name is Dante Pinkard. I will serve as an eighth-grade special education English Language Arts resource teacher. Additionally, I will push-in and co-teach (2) English Language Arts classes for the 2024-2025 school year. I am ecstatic and eager to begin the school year. I am also in great anticipation to coach three of the Canes' athletic programs for the 24-25 school year. I will be assisting with the Canes' 4th Grade Football program, the Canes' Middle School Volleyball program, and heading the Canes Boys Middle School Basketball program. I would like to wish my wife, (Dr. Pinkard), my kids, (Jailyn and Jaise), and all of #CaneNation a school year full of enriching engagements. Lastly, I am eager to build legacies one student at a time.
"Instructional content can be accessed via schoology. Contact the teacher for more information."
"We communicate with students and parents (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Teacher Messaging. Your contact information in Infinite Campus must be accurate for you to receive messages. Please contact the front office to update your information."