Phone: 678-535-6243


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cindy Smith

For those of you who are new to CMS this year, my name is Cindy Smith, RN and I am the school nurse. This is my 3rd full year here and I love being your school nurse. Just a few quick notes:

· ALL medication, prescription and over the counter, MUST be brought to the clinic by a parent/guardian/adult. ABSOLUTELY NO MEDICATION CAN BE BROUGHT IN BY A STUDENT!

· 7th grade parents
- please check your child's immunization records. 2 immunizations are required for entrance to the 7th grade. They are meningitis and Td (tetanus) booster. Your child may have already received them, but please check with your physician. You can also call me and I can tell you if they are up to date.

I am happy to welcome you all to CMS. My office hours are 7:45 to 3:45. My phone number is 678-535-6243. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is Check the "clinic corner" periodically for news, information and upcoming clinic events. Let's have a healthy year!!!