The prom will be held at the Clarence Brown Conference Center on March 16, beginning at 7 and ending at 11. The Senior Walk will be held at 7:30 (lining up begins at 6:30 and must be in line no later than 7pm), although parents and outside guests will not be allowed. We will live stream the walk and also provide a video link on the CHS website and begin at 7:30pm.
Prom tickets will be $60 per single ticket beginning January 25th. Tickets will be sold online only and will not be sold in person or at the door. Prom tickets are sold only to CHS students classified as either JUNIORS or SENIORS Underclassmen are welcome as dates. The deadline to buy tickets is March 11.
Also, in an effort for all of the information for the evening to be accurate and on file, those bringing a date who is not a CHS student will need to fill out a form and provide a copy of identification of the student BEFORE PROM. This information is specificized clearly when you purchase a ticket, and it is crucial you pay attention to this so that both you and your date can attend. All prom attendees must be at least a freshman in high school, but no dates may be above the age of 21.