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Getting Involved

  • The best way to start taking advantage of all the wonderful opportunities FBLA has to offer is to attend our monthly meetings. These take place on FAB Wednesdays during lunch, so we provide free pizza for our members. You can also join us on our many field trips to places like Six Flags, the Georgia Aquarium, and a Hawks game.

    Some of the best trips are overnight conferences! This year we are even going to Anaheim, California for the National Leadership Conference! Another way to get involved is by competing for a chance to be a regional, state, and national competition winner.

    We have events for everyone, from testing events to presentation events, to programming events, you can find the perfect competition.

    Our members are also given the chance to volunteer, thanks to our monthly service challenges and our many community drives. For more information on joining or getting involved, visit room V104 or email Mrs. Spradley! 

About FBLA

    • Learn: Georgia FBLA offers educational programs and competitive events that enrich the business education experience. 

    • Connect: Georgia FBLA is a community of students, educators, and business professionals. Attend state and national conferences and meet the 250,000 members nationwide! 

FBLA Mission

  • The FBLA mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. We bring our mission to life through the application of our motto: Service, Education, and Progress.

Social Media Links

Follow us on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/hurricanefbla/


Thank you to our sponsors: Perrotta, Lamb, and Johnson, LLC & Matthew Gambill