Phone: 770-382-3200


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Management, Georgia Tech 1992 MS History and Sociology of Technology and Science, Georgia Tech 2014 Georgia Teaching Certifications: Middle Grades:  Science, Social Studies, Math High School: Science (Broad Field), Computer Science Gifted Endorsement Computer Science Endorsement

Tanya Hyman

I am proud to be a product of Cartersville City Schools, from first grade through graduation in 1988.  After high school, I attended Georgia Tech and majored in Management (1992).  For several years I worked in various industries including at a software startup company and as an entrepreneur in the retail/online shopping space.  I bring that experience to the classroom and enjoy sharing real world examples with students.  My husband Andy and I have one child, Paul, who is a 2023 Graduate of CHS and will be attending Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. 

I started my teaching career in Cobb County in 2007 at Durham Middle School.  During my 9 years at Durham, I taught Special Education Science, Math, and Social Studies as well as Gifted Math and Science.  I also earned a Masters Degree from Georgia Tech while teaching (2014 - MS History and Sociology of Technology and Science.)

I was thrilled to be hired in 2016 to teach Environmental Science at Cartersville High School.  When we began offering Computer Science in 2021 I was eager to take on the challenge of teaching (and learning more about) this subject that is going to be so critical for jobs now and in the forseeable future.  

The Career Pathway we offer is in Programming.  The Pathway consists of the following courses taken in order:

1-  Introduction to Software Technology

2- Computer Science Principles* or 2- AP Computer Science Principles* (AP course may also be taken as a standalone course)

3 - Programming, Games, Apps and Society*

The Pathway culminates in an End of Pathway Assessment that students take to show mastery of the content. 

There are a couple of unique features of the Computer Science Pathway courses: The Level 2 and 3 courses (with *) can be used to satisfy the fourth science requirement for Georgia high school graduation purposes. OR If sequence of a Level 2 and 3 course is taken, they can be used to satisfy foreign language requirements for admission to University System of Georgia colleges and universities (Students would need to check requirements for any other college/university they want to attend.)

In addition to teaching, I am also the Head Coach of our Esports Team, now in its 4th year.  The Esports team just got it's own space with room for the 12 Dell Alien Ware Gaming Computers as well as the 2 Nintendo Switch consoles. 

Games we compete in include:  League of Legends, RocketLeague, SuperSmash Bros., MarioKart 8, Madden NFL, and NBA 2K. 

Please contact me for details!  We play two seasons - one in the Fall and one in Spring.  Both have State Championship Playoffs and students can letter in the sport.  There are many colleges recruiting for Esports players and offering scholarships so if you are interested please contact me! 

I am a Purple Hurricane through and through and I absolutely love teaching at CHS.  Go Canes!

• Instructional content can be accessed by students via Schoology. Contact the teacher for more information.
• We communicate with students and parents by various methods (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Blackboard Teacher Messaging. Your contact information in PowerSchool must be accurate for you to receive my messages. Please contact the front office to update your information.

Contact Me:

School Phone Number:  770-382-3200 Ext. 3306 (*please note that I may not be able to answer your call during the day so please leave a message.  I will return calls at the end of the day or the next school day.  E-mail is preferred.)


Room Assignment:  S213 in the new STEM Building

Courses I teach this year:

- Introduction to Software Technology (S1)

-Computer Science Principles (S2)

-AP Computer Science Principles (S1, S2)

-Programming, Games, Apps, and Society (S2)


ESports Head Coach

    • Instructional content can be accessed via Schoology. Contact the teacher for more information.
    • We communicate with students and parents (text messages, phone calls, and emails) through Blackboard Messaging. Your contact information in Infinite Campus must be accurate for you to receive my messages.  Please contact the front office to update your information.