Phone: 7703820983
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelors Degree from Kennesaw State University in Early Childhood Education Masters Degree from Piedmont College in Curriculum and Instruction Specialist Degree from Piedmont College in Teacher Leadership Reading Endorsement
Mrs. Tricia Burdick
My name is Tricia Burdick, and I am currently in my fourth year of teaching Reading EIP at Cartersville Elementary School. I have had the privilege of teaching in the Cartersville City School System for nineteen years. My first six years were spent teaching Pre-kindergarten at Cartersville City's Kids and Company Prek. The next 9 years were spent teaching fourth grade at Cartersville Elementary school. I have two wonderful children at home. Jaxon is in eighth grade this year at McClure Middle School in Cobb County, and Maci is in fifth grade here at CES. I enjoy working with elementary students and watching them grow both academically and socially. My goal each year is to challenge each student individually and watch them grow to their full potential. I am truly passionate about my career as a teacher, and I thank you for sharing your precious children with me each day.
Instructional content can be accessed via Schoology. Contact me for more information.
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