School Governance Council
Cartersville City Schools believes parent and community support is critical to the success of students and schools. The purpose of the School Governance Council is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role in the management of the school. The School Governance Council is a governing body that is representative of the community and the school, but operates under the control and management of the Board of Education. The Council is responsible for making decisions regarding the strategic direction of the school. School councils are designed to bring communities and schools closer together in the spirit of cooperation to solve difficult educational problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process by advising, recommending, and assisting the community of parents and businesses.
Members Email Term Expires Becky Bryant - Principal bbryant @cartersvilleschools.org Gary Morris - Assistant Principal gmorris @cartersvilleschools.org Bobbie Bruton - Teacher Support Specialist bbruton @cartersvilleschools.org June 2025 Nan Adsit - Teacher nadsit @cartersvilleschools.org June 2025 Mandy Todd - Teacher mtodd @cartersvilleschools.org June 2025 Mayra Cortes - Parent Representative mcortes89 @live.com June 2027 Alexis Pritchard - Parent Representative alexis.pritchard @comcast.com June 2025 Tracy Baker - Parent Representative ttanner13 @gmail.com June 2025 Caroline Womack - Business Representative caroline @georgiacp.com June 2027 Ben Hamrick - Business Representative ben.hamrick @gmail.com June 2025 Patrick Murphy - Business Representative pcmurphy8 @gmail.com June 2026 Cartersville Elementary School Governance Council Meeting Dates
Date Time Location August - 26 3:00 pm CES Conference Room September - 23 3:00 pm CES Conference Room October - 21 3:00 pm CES Conference Room December - 2 3:00 pm CES Conference Room January - 27 3:00 pm CES Conference Room February - 24 3:00 pm CES Conference Room March - 31 3:00 pm CES Conference Room April - 28 3:00 pm CES Conference Room May - 19 3:00 pm CES Conference Room
* Parents and guardians are invited to attend any School Governance Council meeting *