Testing & Assessment
Cartersville City Schools' assessment & accountability department plays a critical role in the educational system by overseeing and managing various aspects of local, state, and national student assessments. Our department ensures that test security and testing policies align with current state assessment rules and regulations. The purpose of an effective assessment system is to assess student performance in accordance with the state-mandated curriculum, pinpoint students who haven't reached content mastery, furnish teachers with diagnostic insights, and aid school systems in recognizing strengths and areas needing improvement to prioritize educational program planning.
District Testing Calendar
A Family's Guide to Georgia's CCRPI
The College and Career Ready Performance Index – CCRPI – is Georgia’s annual tool for measuring how well its schools, districts, and the state itself are preparing students for the next educational level. It provides a comprehensive roadmap to help educators, parents, and community members promote and improve college and career readiness for all students.
The Georgia Department of Education typically releases CCRPI scores around the midpoint of a school year. These scores are based on the data from the prior school year. To view the past years' scores for any county or school in Georgia, please follow this link. -
Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS)
Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS)
The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) is a comprehensive summative assessment program spanning grades 3 through high school. Georgia Milestones measures how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the state-adopted content standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students in grades 3 through 8 take an end-of-grade assessment in each content area, while high school students take an end-of-course assessment for each of the ten courses designated by the State Board of Education.
How to Read Your Child's Georgia Student Growth Model Reports
Parents are our partners! Study after study has shown that parent engagement is the number one factor in student academic success. The Georgia Department of Education is committed to equipping Title I schools with the information and resources necessary to help parents actively engage in their child's academic achievement.Please take advantage of the videos, brochures, and other available resources on this webpage. -
ACCESS Testing
Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State ACCESS or ELLs stands for: Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners. ACCESS for ELLs is the official assessment instrument used for schools in Georgia to measure the English Language Proficiency of their English Language Learners (ELLs). The ACCESS test is based upon the WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) ELP (English Language Proficiency) Standards, which in turn inform ESOL curriculum and instruction. Significantly, these ELP standards have been aligned to Georgia’s Performance Standards for Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. So defined, Georgia’s new ELP Standards are the anchor for the assessment, curriculum and instruction of the ELLs in the state of Georgia. Complete information on the standards may be accessed through the WIDA consortium website.
Georgia Experience Online (practice testing site)
The following practice site lets students see what testing online is like. Parents and educators are welcome to try it too. The items on the demonstration tests are general and are organized into three grade bands: Grades 3 – 5, Grades 6 – 8, and High School in the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. The items do not necessarily represent the specific grade-level content that students learn daily in their classrooms. Included in this site are examples of new types of test items that are being field tested this spring. Items that are field tested do not impact the scores of students. The primary purpose is to let students experience, firsthand, the functionality of the online testing platform. The sample tests are not graded, so have fun! The Test Practice is available daily from 7 AM to 10 PM Eastern time. Note that Google Chrome is the only supported browser for this public version of the DRC INSIGHT test engine.
Test Coordinators
District Testing Coordinator
Ashley Chupp
770-382-4729Cartersville Primary School
Tara Peters
770-382-1733Cartersville Elementary School
Gary Morris
770-382-0983Cartersville Middle School
Molly Gann
770-382-3666Cartersville High School
JoLynn Miller